How am I Coping with Quarantine?

June 24, 2020

Hey Y’all!!This year has been well…. to say the least crazy. With Covid-19 and all the crazy changes going on. It’s super easy to start feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed or triggered. I’m here to tell you all… IT’S OKAY!!! Feel how you are feeling, allow yourself to cry, eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s or just live your best life and write a whole new novel. I know for me, I’ve noticed my anxiety has been pretty high. I know I’m not the only one who has been affected by this quarantine, social distance + covid stuff. With the open time on my hands, I’ve compiled a list of my FAVORITE GO-TO products that have helped me keep my cool during the current times….1.) Kava Tea Kava is an all natural tea from the Kava Root, which has it’s own relaxing agents. Sipping on this tea will make you feel calm and mellow out the jitters. It’s super important to tune in with your body every day and really notice how fast your heart is beating, if you have a pit in your stomach or when the last time you took a breathe?!


Natural Relaxation Brought to You Direct from the South Pacific Islands


2.) Resistance Bands

My favorite!! Literally, I am ALWAYS traveling with these babies. I bring them to every hotel, trip, vacation and road trip! They are so easy, simple and awesome to work out with! Whether it’s booty workouts, toning your arms or building your legs… use the bands!!



3.) Lavender Sleeping Mist

Nothing like a good night’s sleep! I love spraying some lavender mist on my pillows(and really the whole room) before I hit the hay! It just sets the mood and makes me feel so calm and happy. I am truly a scent person!

4.) TheraGun

I love working out, and with quarantine- post recovery treatment has been limited… I’m all about getting massages, IV drips, acupuncture and cupping. This amazing tool makes it so easy to alleviate sore muscles, reduce lactic acid buildup and promote a speedier recovery! It truly SAVES me when I’m traveling and don’t have time to squeeze in a massage or stretching session!

5.) Candles

Nothing like a sweet candle to bring back some positive memories. Truly lighting a candle before bed or while you do some yoga is so relaxing and can instantly lift your mood. My favorites are HomeSick + Voluspa!




Want more anti-anxiety tips? Check out my Youtube channel!